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'Natural Collections'

I enjoy walking and observing the changes between seasons, the accompanying flora and fauna and smaller details, such as patterns, colours and texture. Whilst doing so, I find myself collecting all manner of objects that I consider to be interesting or beautiful, such as feathers, pottery fragments, bird eggshells, rocks, seaglass and seedheads. 

These in turn provide inspiration for my collections of simple decorative and functional ceramic vessels which record walks through different landscapes, such as woodland, moorland and the coast.

The pieces are either wheel thrown or handbuilt using a mixture of standard stoneware clays and bodies that I have developed through experimentation with additions such as oxides, stain, grog, iron and feldspar. 

Wheel thrown and hand decorated House Sparrow eggshell bowl

Collected pebbles and a few of my coloured clay body tests for rock and pebble pots

Collected pebbles and a few of my coloured clay body tests for rock and pebble pots

Thrown miniature bowl with a glaze developed to mimic seaglass

Finds collected during a trip to the coast

Reduction fired thrown stoneware inspired by the colour and striations of collected pebbles

Matte glazed thrown and handpainted stoneware 'Cirl Bunting' eggshell bowl

Matte glazed thrown and handpainted stoneware feather and eggshell bowls

Feathers found whilst walking

Wheel thrown Blue Tit eggshell bowl